Sunday Services

All services are conducted according to The Book of Common Prayer.

At 9.00am, the service is spoken – with Scripture read from the Authorised Version of the Bible.

At 10.30am and 6.30pm, parts of the service are sung (supported by our choir), and Scripture is read from the New Revised Standard Version of the Bible.

9.00amMorning Prayer or Holy Communion
10.30amSung Eucharist or Sung Mattins

The Choir

The Choir sings at 10.30am and 6.30pm services each week – led by our Director of Music, Gabriel O’Brien.

Music is predominantly congregational at these services, with the exception of the Anthem, which is sung after the Third Collect at Mattins and Evensong, or during the distribution of the Holy Sacrament at Communion.

Our hymn book is The New English Hymnal, and Psalms and Canticles are sung from The Parish Psalter (occasionally supplemented by the Anglican Chant Book). The Communion service is sung to the setting by L J White in E flat, with the Credo being sung to the traditional setting by John Merbecke.

If you are interested in singing in one (or both) of our services each week, please introduce yourself to a member of the choir after a service. We rehearse for an hour every Thursday evening, and we would love you to join us!

Organ Recitals

Bank Holiday Mondays, in early May and August, are usually marked by an organ recital at 11.00am.

The recitals last for an hour, and form part of the York Organ Concerts series organised by the York and District Organists’ Association.

Tea, coffee, and biscuits are available before or after each recital.