We have adopted the Diocese of York guidelines on safe recruitment as our policy.
1. When recruiting new volunteers or employees, we will:
- first consult the Parish Safeguarding Officer;
- produce a job description, including whether the post requires DBS clearance;
- require the completion of an application form, which will include the provision of referees;
- conduct an interview or discussion, based on specific questions or issues.
2. If appropriate, we will ask each applicant to complete a Confidential Declaration Form and DBS check.
3. Once appointed / approved there will be:
- an induction period during which safeguarding training will be completed along with familiarisation of other policies;
- a probation period, so that both the person and the church can see whether they are suited to the role (for paid roles, the person’s role would be confirmed in writing at the end of the probation period);
- supervision and review (required for paid roles, and good practice for volunteer roles).
4. The Confidential Declaration Form should be completed every 3 years, or at least reviewed and signed by the person (if there is no new information to declare).
5. The DBS check should be renewed every 5 years
The Parochial Church Council of All Saints, Pavement with St Crux and St Michael, Spurriergate
June 2023